The official Betty Crocker-sponsored program was called Homemakers of Tomorrow, and I believe Homemaker of the Year was a local prize given by the Home Ec teacher to the most promising student.

Mom was named Amboy Minnesota's Homemaker of the Year in 1959. Her female offspring are valiantly trying to follow in her footsteps while oblivious to the approved Betty Crocker methods.


Tastebook Cover Layout Issues

Has anyone else been so excited to design their very first Tastebook, spent hours previewing cover after cover only to find that the label they print is so poorly placed that it throws off the balance completely?

Without the label, the covers look great! the photos are professional and clear and represent the life I want to live.

With the label, they look utterly ridiculous. Look at this: the top of the freaking candles are cut off! Who wants a birthday cake with half-assed candles? Who designed this crap?

I hope the designer quit over how this site was implemented because something that could be really cool is ruined. Did they not tell the designer where the label was going to be placed? Or is this a problem with the site's implementation? Who knows.

But if you click through EVERY SINGLE cover you can eventually find one that looks fine and you can fulfill your dreams making a gorgeous custom 4-color cookbook.

Problem is that the covers are all pre-printed. They just slap a custom label on the top of it with all your custom info. Tastebook people: don't reprint the cutoffs! Give us new covers please!

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