The official Betty Crocker-sponsored program was called Homemakers of Tomorrow, and I believe Homemaker of the Year was a local prize given by the Home Ec teacher to the most promising student.

Mom was named Amboy Minnesota's Homemaker of the Year in 1959. Her female offspring are valiantly trying to follow in her footsteps while oblivious to the approved Betty Crocker methods.


Brooklyn Bakeries

I have since my last post accumulated several new cookbooks, and have to do something about it so they don't fall over on top of me. Or not... I am an addict after all.

I just invested in Baked (the book), after trying the fabulous recipe from Oprah's Valentine's Day issue. I live 10 minutes away from Baked (the bakery in Red Hook) but have never been there. Field trip is set for Monday, my day off and I will let y'all know how that goes. The brownies I made for Kate's birthday were FABULOUS however, and if Oprah is a fan of the brownies they have to be on to something.

Another Brooklyn bakery that's got a fantastic book out... Sweet Melissa in Cobble Hill. Melissa Murphy peppers the book with anecdotes about concocting "the perfect recipe" and it's quite apparent that she does a lot of tinkering with old standbys to outstanding results. I've made her Red Velvet and Carrot Cakes and both are very unique, easy to make and I assure you they will earn you a reputation as a fabulous baker, and possibly cause you to gain 5 pounds while you're at it.

The verdict: buy both books if you are a baked goods aficionado, or need a most excellent Brooklyn-themed gift.

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